
This movie doesn’t know what it wants to be. Is it a superhero movie? A comedy? A generic action flick? I know about as well as it does.

This movie also suffers from pacing issues. The first 30 minutes of the movie tries to shoehorn in some exposition, but it feels like the director had the mentality of “Let’s get this shit over with so we can get to the good stuff.” You get the sense that every role in the movie could have been filled by literally any other generic actor. This excludes Tom Hardy, of course. But even Tom Hardy seems to have been unsure of what this movie was supposed to be. 3/4 of his work in the movie is playing the straight guy to Venom’s immorality.

If you want to see what this movie should have been, go check out Upgrade. I posted about it a few months back, and it accomplished what this movie should have on a much smaller budget.

No, this movie isn’t bad. It’s just not… well, it’s in the same vein as The Amazing Spider-Man movies. You won’t regret having seen it, but you’re not going to scramble to get a copy of it to watch again. And, much like The Amazing Spider-Man movies, you’ll likely still end up going to see the sequel, in the hopes that it can succeed where it’s predecessor failed. Heck, I didn’t very much like the first Thor, but Ragnarok was one hell of a watch. My point is, I’ll see whatever sequel comes out after this, if not just to see what Sony can accomplish with their weird Spider-Man offshoot product in association with Marvel.

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