Predator (2018)

You’d have to be actively trying in order to not enjoy this film. Is it going to win any oscars? Heck no. No, the acting isn’t particularly noteworthy, the character development is damn near nonexistent, and even the cgi and green-screening can be a bit cheesy (I’m looking at you, laughable baseball field scene).

BUT the action is entertaining, the gore you want is *mostly* there, and the laughs keep on coming. You heard me right, the laughs. Let’s face it, folks, The Predator franchise can’t live up to the seriousness of the Alien franchise, and the director knew that full well. That’s why he loaded this action flick with a bunch of comedians and one-liners. It helps you forget how damn stupid the plot points can be.

The critics can say what they will, but this film wasn’t made to impress them. This movie was made to help you revel in pure, dim-witted action. If you think the original was anything more than that, you need to rewatch some old Arnold films. They’re downright ridiculous. But they’re also GOLD.

This film is no different (minus Arnie’s lovable accent). So if you want some mind-numbing, popcorn poppin’ fun, give this one a watch.

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